
Cyber Attack Training Guide

Protect Against a Cyber Attack

One of the greatest risks to your business these days is hackers trying to break into your IT systems. If you think your business isn’t large enough to attract that kind of attention, consider this: Small businesses were the victims of 70% of ransomware attacks in 2021, and in 2022 ransomware attacks increased by 80% year-over-year. Thanks to automated tools, all businesses are being targeted by all hackers, all the time. They want to steal your data, your logins – or worse, hold your data for ransom.

What would you do if someone disguised as you sent a fraudulent invoice to every customer in your database? What if you were locked out of all your computers and electronic devices until you paid a ransom? Would your business image be able to overcome an assault on your credibility and security?

Protecting your business is simple. We have a multi-pronged system to guard your systems, passwords, and data against an attack designed to cost you time and money. Save your systems, your equipment and your business image from damages caused by hackers and online predators.

Get started with our Free Employee Training Guide. Or, if you need help implementing these security measures, your I.T. team is here.